Theresa's Mixed Nuts: Toasted Cheese, Turkey and Caramelized Apple Sandwiches

Friday, September 1, 2023

Toasted Cheese, Turkey and Caramelized Apple Sandwiches

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.
September, y'all. I barely remember what happened in August, it went by so quickly! Or maybe my brain was just fried from all that heat we had, idk. This is the month that I love and dread at the same time because it's the time of year that the fall festivals kick in and kick my butt at the same time. This weekend will be one of our busiest of the year so elaborate dinners, or even dinners that require much effort are out. While most of you in the States will probably be planning a weekend of cookout foods, we'll probably be doing quick and easy, like grilled cheese sandwiches and spaghetti. I did find this amazing sandwich recipe on Golden Blossom Honey for Toasted Cheese, Turkey and Caramelized Apple Sandwiches that I think I'll end up making for Jason tonight since he's taking the brunt of the workload today. 
I've already started buying the first autumn apples of the season, so I have plenty to put to good use. I forgot how much I love caramelized apples, so today I will double or even triple the apple part of this recipe because in addition to a fun twist on a turkey sandwich, you can make it ahead of time and use it for a pancake or waffle topping or even to top your ice cream. Or you can be like me and just eat it straight out of the pan because why not? I would suggest using a panini press if you have one on hand because the apples can be slippery little suckers and a bit tricky to work with when flipping the sandwich, or you could toast the one piece of bread and cheese first, remove from pan, place the second slice down, pile on your toppings, then replace the toasted cheese bread on top, making this a no flip recipe. Whatever works for you, works for me!


8 slices rye bread

3 tablespoons butter, melted

4 slices sharp cheddar cheese

8 slices smoked turkey, from deli

1 cup baby arugula leaves


3 tablespoons butter

3 Granny Smith apples, peeled and sliced

1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice





You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey, and be sure to
Pin It on Pinterest! 

Will you be attending any fall craft fairs or festivals this year?


  1. OMG. this sandwich is overloaded with toppings. I'm craving for this recipe right now.


  2. A good sandwich can get you through, especially when a busy bee. How many fairs you got lined up this fall? Nan wants to go to two, one 6 hours away, so we shall see lol

    1. We have one every weekend now through the end of the year, with the exception of Christmas I believe. Road trip festivals? Sounds like Nan knows how to party!

  3. We’ve reinstated the Fall Farm Tour, now with our grandkids. I don’t know if there are any other fall events we will attend.

    1. Fall Farm Tours are a fun thing to look forward to! I'm sure if something else interesting pops up, you'll go.

  4. Lovely photo and beautiful lighting in it and colour combo, like from the most expensive magazines. Hope your Autumn festivals will go well and be profitable!

    1. Thank you, dahlink! We have so many coming up, I am exhausted thinking about them all. But we just knocked out of of the two biggest that we do through out the year, so as soon as we get to the other one, I think my mind will settle a little.

  5. Gracias por la receta. Esta muy fácil. Te mando un beso.

  6. That sandwich recipe just screams Fall, doesn't it!! I like the no-flip idea. Why make things harder if we don't have to? :)

  7. I love apple on a sandwich. I noticed that my local grocery was flush with apples lately, but I wasn't sure if they were this year's apples.

    1. I always get excited at the first abundance of apples in the grocers.

  8. I don't like fruit in savory dishes so I would leave that out but I would eat the sandwich.

  9. Hello!
    Very interesting post, your dish looks appetizing :) Super!
    Greetings from Poland!


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