Theresa's Mixed Nuts: All You Need Is Love... And Chocolate

Thursday, February 8, 2018

All You Need Is Love... And Chocolate

*Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

I've completely slacked off on my Valentine's Day goodies this year since Jason is still dieting. Last week's chocolate cake nearly threw him over the edge since it really tested his will to just say no. We've finally narrowed down our summer vacation travel destination, heading across the pond to the city of love, Paris, and he'd like to shed a few more pounds before then so he can enjoy the French cuisine without having any guilt about it. As much as I want to be the supportive wife, I do think you have to have a little something sweet for Valentine's Day. Cookies are much smaller than cake and it's pretty easy to just eat one small one and feel satisfied, so I thought what they heck, let's find a good recipe and whip up a small batch. So, I dug around on Golden Blossom Honey earlier this week and made a batch of these Double Chocolate Walnut Dream Cookies

Double Chocolate Walnut Dream Cookies

First of all, how can you go wrong with double chocolate? You just can't. Second, give it a little more sweetness with a dip in powdered sugar. Third, top it with a yummy walnut and this is one hella good cookie. You roll them into 1 inch balls so they aren't terribly big, but they have an awesome punch of flavor in a little package. Perfect for my hubs to have a sweet treat to celebrate Valentine's Day and not have a mental breakdown from the extra calories. One cookie is plenty enough to get your sweet tooth fix. But, I'm not dieting, so I'll have two. Or three. Or however many I feel like having because I'm an adult and nobody can stop me from having all the cookies I want ;)

2 cups flour
2 1/2 cups confectioner's sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons vegetable oil
3 1/2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped
1 1/2 cups light brown sugar, packed
1 Tablespoon vanilla
4 large egg whites
1 cup walnut pieces
non-stick cooking spray


 Double Chocolate Walnut Dream Cookies

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

Will you be indulging in any chocolate treats for Valentine's Day?



  1. They do look nom nom!
    PS when you grind your sugar to get some powder sugar you can add some of that vanilla sugar I've sent you and it will have wonderful vanilla taste, perfect for sprinkling on cookies.
    Oh, Paris! You need to prepare yourself a whole new fancy wardrobe for that trip :)

    1. That's a great idea for the vanilla sugar! I'll definitely do that next time I break out the powder sugar :)

      We're actually country hopping. We're going do only do 2 days in Paris, hopefully to see the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, and Notre Dame, then we're off to London for 2 days, followed with 2 to 3 days in Ireland, then a stop in Iceland (since our flight is already taking us there on the way home) for another day. I thought about buying cute Paris clothes, but I'm going with comfy with all the walking we'll be doing!

    2. Imma gonna send myself in a package to Indiana so that you can put me in your suitcase and take me with you :)
      I must insist you do not go to this trip like an American tourist in white socks and shorts :)) You must represent! At least buy a few fancy, toned down track suits that you can wear with some fancy sneakers around Paris :) Don't be a German (they go around in shorts, white socks and sandals)! Imagine how powerful you would feel in a nice outfit. Some lovely navy sweatpants and navy/white stripped Ts and some simple navy sneakers, and a padded vest on top with a hood :) And some floaty long beige or gray sweaters for colder weather.

    3. You know, Jason was asking where in Europe you lived so he could dump me off for a visit if we were going to be close by.

      Ewwww on the socks and sandals. That's something the geriatric set likes to do. It's a no go for sure. I'll more than likely be packing a lot of sun dresses since we'll be there in the middle of July. I don't want to be a sweaty mess. We'll be taking a lot of photos and I'd actually like to look good in a few of them lol

  2. Sure have quite the destination this time indeed. Another year's worth of posts with that trip lol No one can stop you indeed, until your stomach tells you to chill out on the cookies. Then you stop you.

    1. Yep, I still have about 6 or 7 more Cali posts and even a Canada post I never got around to sharing here. This trip will surely have me sharing for another 2 years, at least lol

  3. I totally agree that it's good to have something sweet for Valentine's Day. And what better sweet treat to have than these cookies! They look delicious!

  4. Oh wow! Those look delicious! I will be making some cookies with my daughter this year for sure.

  5. All I need is some milk and them cookies is more like it...haha! They looks delish!

  6. I definitely need chocolate and these tasty cookies seem like the perfect cure for my craving! I could easily devour an entire batch.

  7. Love to get some! They look yummy Theresa

  8. I totally agree about love and chocolate! Chocolate is really up there.

    This looks wonderful!

  9. They look soooo good! I can't wait to try them out! All my favorite ingredients!

  10. Agree and Agree! This recipe looks like everyone in my famiy will be licking their fingers!

  11. My husband’s sweet tooth doesn’t compare to mine. But thee are a great I know we will both love.

  12. These cookies look so divine! I could devour 6 or more in one sitting! I am saving the recipe and make some this weekend. This would really taste good with a cold glass of milk!

  13. Oh those look so good. I love treats like this one.

  14. I like that they're bite-sized. I'm all about trying the sweets, but the smaller ones with the big flavor punch satisfy the best.

  15. looks wonderful, Love all yours recipes!!


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