Theresa's Mixed Nuts: Get Springtime Scented Laundry With Purex Crystals Fabulously Fresh!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Get Springtime Scented Laundry With Purex Crystals Fabulously Fresh!

I think there are 2 kinds of people out there. Those who love their laundry scented in the wash, and those who don't. I am a scented laundry lover. Actually, one of my favorite scents has always been the one that comes from the dryer vent. Yes, I am a little weird like that, but there's just something about catching a whiff of laundry drying that is calming for me. I am always on the lookout for products that will add a touch of scent to my clothes, and when I was sent a bottle of Purex Crystals Fabulously Fresh to review, I knew I found a product that I was going to be a long time fan of.

Purex Crystals Fabulously Fresh

Purex Crystals

New Purex Crystals Limited Editon Fabulously Fresh is the latest Purex Brand laundry enhancer bringing a fresh sensation to your laundry experience. The limited edition bottle and scent will add a colorful escape to your laundry day.

What I love about Purex Crystals Fabulously Fresh:

- Long lasting scent. Clothes smell fresh for weeks, not days.
- Does not reduce the absorbency of towels.
- It is safe for all loads, including children's sleepwear and athletic wear.
- It is simple to use. Just toss a cap full in the wash and you  are good to go!

I mentioned that fresh laundry is one of my favorite scents. I also love to add some of the Purex Crystals to my electric tart warmer to get the whole house smelling fresh without the chore of doing an actual load of laundry!

Purex is currently running a great giveaway on their Facebook page. 1 winner is going to win a $1000 shopping spree. 100 1st place winners are going to win a bottle of Purex Crystals Fabulously Fresh! The giveaway will run through 4/28/2014.

If you would like to learn more about Purex Crystals Fabulously Fresh, or any of the other wonderful products Purex has to offer, be sure to visit the Purex Website. To stay up to date on all offers, be sure to follow them on Facebook as well!


One lucky Theresa's Mixed Nuts reader is going to win 2 coupons for a free bottle of Purex Crystals Fabulously Fresh. The giveaway is open to residents of the US, 18+, (No PO Boxes will be accepted), and will run through 4/7. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to winning email before a new winner is selected. *All entries are verified, so please make sure you are properly entering for the entries you claim.

*Theresa's Mixed Nuts is not responsible for late, damaged, or lost prizes. Unfortunately, it has happened, and while I always do my best to ensure proper prize delivery, it is out of my control once it has been shipped. In the event this should occur, I will do my best to troubleshoot, but if that gets us nowhere, your only recourse it to chalk it up to a loss and move on.   

Please enter on the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Disclosure- The Purex Brand provided me with a sample of Purex Crystals Limited Edition Fabulously Fresh in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own. I was not monetarily compensation for this post.


  1. I can imagine the lovely fragrance!

  2. I'm a throw it in, stuff it full, and turn it on person lol

  3. Oh Theresa, thanks so much for the encouraging words. I'm a bit slow going today, but yes so happy this phase is over. It makes me want to travel to that other bad hospital and slap them all SILLY! My surgeon did a remarkable job. Once I knew there was no cancer in the right, I said then lets get this other left two out!!!! You are a great friend. Ps. I can't have those fragrance things. I have candles but I can't burn them. doh, huh? Write up is fab tho!!!! ♥

  4. I do about 2 loads of laundry a week. So much less now that we don't have a teenage daughter in the house any longer. lol

    I like your blog. :)

  5. I do a lot of laundry for 2 people. I do on the average a load a day and some days, I do two or more. Right now I have done laundry for 3 days and I bet I have 4 or 5 loads.

  6. I do my own about 2-3 times a week

  7. I like the scent from the dryer vent too, and I'm looking forward to trying these Purex crystals.

  8. You are definitely not the only dryer vent sniffer. I love being out in the winter and having that fresh scent hit your nose!!! I already use this on my sheets and clothes. We love the scent, but that is genius to use it in a scent warmer. I am doing this today! Thanks for the tip Theresa! Cheers.

  9. I am guessing 7 or so. There are 4 of us but we seem to make a lot of laundry. Would love to try this out.

  10. Gawd, I do laundry every single day. Sometimes twice a day. I would love to try this stuff because I have heard such good things.

  11. I do approximately 10 loads of laundry a week. For 2 people that seems to be a lot but I wash my sheets and blanket every other day.

  12. I am a huge fan of great smelling laundry (also love the way the dryer vent smells too!) I LOVE these Purex crystals. We received a sample a while back and fell in love with them ever since. My son loves his blankets washed with them the most!

  13. I do a load almost every day, so about seven loads a week!

  14. I like your idea of putting some of the crystals on an electric warmer. I have to leave my apartment to do laundry but the scents do sound pleasant.

  15. My sister in law would love these little crystals she is loyal to Purex brand.

  16. I do about 5 to 6 loads of laundry a week. I would love to try these crystals from Purex!

  17. I do laundry about once a month: 5 loads at the same time at the laundromat.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  18. I do about 10 loads a wee. way to many

  19. I also tried this and it smells fabulous. I never thought to use any in my tart burner. I will have to give it a try!

  20. I do about 2 loads of laundry a week. These crystals sound amazing!


  21. We also tried this and love it! Fresh laundry does just have an awesome scent!

  22. We do about 5 loads of laundry a week.

  23. We do roughly 4-5 loads of laundry a week

  24. Every week I do about 4- 6 loads of laundry each week! The washer broke so now we are hauling our clothes to the laundry mat weekly!

  25. I do about 5 loads of laundry a week.
    brandy graham (name on rafflecopter)

  26. I probably do about 3 or 4 loads of laundry each week.

  27. I do about 3-4 loads of laundry per week.

  28. I do about three loads of laundry every week.

  29. We are a family of 7 so i wash about 2 loads a day and about 14 a week.

  30. I usually do about 7 loads for my husband and I and 4 loads for my son, and then 3 loads of towels! It never ends!

  31. I do on average five loads of laundry per week. Sometimes I have more because of sheets and towels. The trick is to keep up on it which I do, it's the putting it away part that is horrid.

  32. I do 3 loads of laundry a week.

  33. We probably about 10 a week at least!

  34. I do about 6 loads of laundry each week.
    Miz Vickik

  35. our house does 6 - 8 loads of laundry each week.

  36. I have 2 kids and a boyfriend who works in a rubber factory so I do A LOT of laundry!!! Usually about 10 loads a week, (one too many loads for my happiness) LOL!! I have been wanting to try these Purex Crystals. Thanks for the chance!!

  37. I do between 14 and 21 loads of laundry per week.

  38. Definitely, I love the good smell on clothes!


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