
Monday, January 2, 2012

Recycling Magnet Picture Frame

Every year we get these huge magnets from the recycling company with our pick up dates on them. I hate tossing them at the end of each year knowing there is a perfectly good use for those magnetic pieces! My fridge is usually overrun with pictures of my kids, nieces and nephews, so this year we decided to make a little picture frame craft with one of our favorite photos of my twin nephews. Not only is it decorative, it also eliminates the need for those ugly advertising magnets I know we all have up on our refridgerators. Win-Win!

What you need:

1 Recycling Magnet
Decorative Ribbon
Decorative pieces (I just used some old metal butterfly jewelry pieces we had leftover from another craft)
Elmer's glue
Hot glue
1 Photo


Glue the photo to the center of the front of the magnet with the Elmer's Glue. Once that is dry, lay the ribbon along the edge of the photo and snip where necessary. Hot glue the ribbon to the calendar (not the photo). Repeat this process on all 4 sides. Glue your decorative pieces anywhere you like along the ribbon. I used the corners because it hid the ribbon seams. Once everything is dry, snip the excess magnet off and voila! You've got a beautiful, custom, and useful photo magnet!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very nice project! Magnetic picture frames make great fridge accessories!


  3. This is such a very creative project. It is so cute and easy to make. I guess even a non-crafty type of person like me could do this. And I guess this is a perfect way to display your favourite photo of the month too.


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